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电话: 86+0551-3617266
传真: 86+0551-3617266
姓名: 刘先生

  Hefei Kanger Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer of different specifications and variety of rubber mat, rubber rings and rubber hose. We own advanced machine and product line,powerful technical power,adopt model *域名隐藏* e different use of hose and rubber *域名隐藏* insure the quantity and quality according to the customer’s *域名隐藏* quality according to the customer’s request ------The group of Midea ,Guotong pipes ,Bosheng pipes, Huisheng pipes,Xingtian, Jingdong rubber,Only electronic,Wondrous,,Milta construction materials Foshan *域名隐藏* and *域名隐藏* quality standards innovation and market oriention has allowed products to be well received throughout *域名隐藏* ast Asia,the Middle East,Europe...

主要产品/业务: 橡胶垫 防滑垫 O型硅胶圈

合肥康尔橡塑有限责任公司 / 安徽 / 合肥市经济开发区卧云路108号 ( ) / 电话:86+0551-3617266


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